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Nebraska Registered Agent Services

Registered Agent Service

We accept service of process for our clients. And if your mail from the Nebraska Secretary of State or other agencies is being returned, or they are unable to reach you, they will contact your Nebraska registered agent. Having a reliable registered agent will help ensure that your company is in compliance with the state of Nebraska.

Secure Online Account

Any service of process or other documents we receive on your behalf are scanned at our Nebraska office and uploaded into your online account, and then you are sent an email with the item as an attachment or notified that you have a new mail item to view and download from your online account. If you don’t respond to our email, we will continue our efforts to contact you until we are sure you have been notified. You can also choose to have emails sent to 5 additional email addresses (for example, your attorney, CPA or spouse) in case we do not get a response from you.

Annual Report Reminders

Corporations and LLCs in Nebraska must to file a biennial report. The report for corporations, called the Nebraska Occupation Tax report, is due on even years, but the report for LLCs is due on odd years, making it hard to remember when to file. Your Nebraska registered agent will get a post card reminder to file the reports, which is why it is important that you have a reliable Nebraska registered agent. If you don’t file or are late, your company will go into delinquent status.

We provide our clients with a secure online account where they can check the due dates for their biennial reports. We also send you multiple email reminders to file your Nebraska biennial report on time.

Access to State of Nebraska Forms for Filing Immediately

As soon as you sign up for our registered agent service, you are logged into your online account where you will find all the forms you could possibly want to file with the state of Nebraska, pre-filled with our Nebraska registered agent information, so you can file immediately. You will find forms for Nebraska profit and non-profit corporations, Nebraska LLCs, foreign entity registration in Nebraska and change of agent forms. In addition, your online account will contain filing instructions to help you make business filings with the state of Nebraska Business Services Division correctly.

Business Filing Service

If you choose to not file the forms for forming your Nebraska business by yourself, once inside your online account, you can sign up for our Nebraska business filing service for $100.

First Class Customer Service

Our customers are of the highest priority for us and if you can’t find what you need in your online account, need help or have questions, we are available to help you out. You can reach us by phone or email.